Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Please read simply as rumor

Imminente la liberalizzazione del Rito Romano

Come era stato anticipato già mesi fa dall'Archivum Liturgicum, tra poche settimane il Santo Padre promulgherà il documento di liberalizzazione della Liturgia Romana. Sono numerose le voci informate che confermano per Novembre la data di pubblicazione del decreto. A quanto è dato sapere, il contenuto del documento riguarderebbe la totale liberalizzazione del Rito tridentino - secondo le Rubriche del 1962 - affiancandolo al rito riformato; la nuova liturgia verrebbe definita "rito ordinario" mentre quella tradizionale "rito straordinario", senza alcuna limitazione alla celebrazione da parte di qualsiasi sacerdote cattolico. Pare che nel decreto, già firmato dal Santo Padre all'inizio di Settembre, vi sia l'auspicio che le chiese principali celebrino almeno una Messa tridentina domenicale.

Se quanto si dice nella Curia Romana troverà riscontro - ed i Presuli consultati lo lasciano ampiamente presumere - questa liberalizzazione rappresenterà uno degli atti più importanti del Pontificato di Benedetto XVI … Dio salvi il Papa.

The Freeing Up of the Roman Rite is Imminent

As it had been already anticipated months ago by the Archivum Liturgicum, in a few weeks the Holy Father will promulgate the document freeing the Roman Liturgy. Numerous informed sources had confirmed the date of publication of the decree as November. As far as we know, the content of the document would deal with the total freeing up of the Tridentine Rite, according to the Rubrics of 1962--placing it side by side with the Novus Ordo; the new liturgy would be defined as the "ordinary rite" while the traditional rite would be known as the "extraordinary rite", without any limitation on the celebration on the part of any Catholic priest. It seems that the decree, already signed by the Holy Father at the beginning of September, explicitly notes the hope that the main churches will celebrate at least one Sunday Tridentine Mass.

If what is being said in the Roman Curia comes to fruition...this freeing of the Mass will represent one of the more important actions of the pontificate of Benedict XVI … God save the Pope.


Blogger Fr LWG said...

Pope Benedict's "Reform of the Reform", in my estimation, must include this "liberalization" of the ancient rite. When both rites--Pian and Pauline--are recognized as normative, what follows in subsequent decades is an organic development of the Latin Rite, rather than the fabricated rite of 1969. Future generations will be enriched by this organic growth. I will not see this in my lifetime, therefore, I long for the next best, the normalization of the 1962 missal.

Sorka, do not worry. The accretions--the gender issue, and sharing of the Precious Blood, brought about by Indult, and not by design--to the modern simplicity of the Novus Ordo, will not easily be wiped or faded away.

It is a sympton of modernity that we believe if something is done more than twice, it becomes "tradition." I remember the "New" Mass in the early '70's. Kumbaya was our song, and nowhere in sight would be found altar babes, communion in the paw, or a plethora of communion cups. These are acrections to the Pauline Mass which have occurred over the decades for various reason. In my humble opinion, some valid, while others not.

Thank you for your comment. My response may become a separate post in future weeks. We'll wait in see for the Voice of Rome.

7:44 PM  

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