Sunday, September 30, 2007

Ratzinger at TLM

Pope's brother attends Latin Mass in Regensburg.

Msgr Georg Ratzinger occupied one of the stalls in the Church. Cathcon has more pictures.


Traditional Rite of Baptism

The Rite of Baptism in the Roman Catholic Church
According to the Traditional Ritual

Part I | Outside the Church

The priest (wearing a violet stole), sponsors, and the catechumen stand in the narthex of the church, symbolizing that at this point, the candidate is not a member of the Church.

The Questioning

The Exsufflation - The priest then breathes 3 times on the candidate in the form of a Cross, recalling the Spirit (breath, wind, "ruach") of God.

The Sign of the Cross - The priest now makes the Sign of the Cross with his thumb on the candidate's forehead and breast.

The Imposition of Hands - The priest places his hands on the candidate's head.

The Imposition of Salt - Now the priest puts a little blessed saltin the candidate's mouth. Salt is the symbol of that wisdom which gives a relish for the sweetness of divine nourishment; preserves, by the teaching of the Gospel, from the corruption of sin, and prevents evil passions from growing in men's souls.

Part II | Admission into the Church Building

The Exorcism - The priest makes the Sign of the Cross over the candidate three times.

The Sign of the Cross - The priest again makes the Sign of the Cross on the candidate's forehead

The Imposition of Hands - For the final time, the priest lays his hand on the candidate's head

Admission into the Church Building - The priest lays the end of his stole on the candidate as a symbol of his priestly authority, and admits him into the church building, which is the symbol of the Church of Christ.

The Credo and Pater by the sponsors

Part III | In the Nave of the Church

The Solemn Exorcism

The Ephpheta - The priest touches the ears and nostrils of the candidate.

The Renunciation of Satan

The Anointing - The priest anoints the candidate with the oil of catechumens the heart and between the shoulders in the form of a Cross.

Part IV | At the Font

The priest removes his violet stole and puts on a white one.

The Profession of Faith

Baptism - If the one to be baptized is a baby, the godparents take him to the font --the godmother holds him in her arms, the godfather touches the baby's shoulder with his right hand. The priest pours water over the head of the candidate three times, once after each mention of the Divine Persons

The Anointing with Chrism

The White Linen Cloth - This priest takes a white linen cloth -- symbolizing the purity of a soul cleansed from all sin, and a relic of the days when the newly baptized wore white albs for 8 days -- and places it on the head of the candidate.

The Lighted Candle - The priest gives the candidate or the sponsor a lighted candle.

Last Words of Good Will



In this Gospel passage, Lazarus is poor, hungry and ill; his only friends, the dogs who would lick his sores. He was among the poorest of the poor. Dirty, dressed in rags, he was the complete opposite of the rich man, who was well-fed, and well-dressed. The fact that he is unnamed is significant in this “other Lazarus” story. The name Lazarus is the Latinized Hebrew name, Eleazar which means “My God has helped.”

All of us, rich or poor, satisfied or hungry will die. Our souls will go either to that place of torment—the netherworld, or to the place of comfort, or temporarily, to a place of purification. Lazarus was carried by angels to the bosom of Abraham, whose name in Hebrew means “the father of many.” In fact, the Church, in her funeral liturgy commends the soul of the departed with these words: “May Christ, who called you, take you to himself; may angels lead you to the bosom of Abraham.” At our death we are commended into the arms of the first person to acknowledge the One, True God, Abraham, our father in faith.

Jesus directs this teaching to the Pharisees who believed in the resurrection of the body as opposed to the Sadducees who did not. These religious leaders would pay close attention to Jesus’ words, for He includes Abraham and Moses—whose name is Egyptian for “son” or possibly Hebrew for “deliverer.” These religious leaders were also wealthy and dressed in finery as did the unnamed man. These religious leaders also new Jesus was speaking about their unbelief when He states, “If they will not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone should rise from the dead.” Jesus knew His audience well. They were most certainly uncomfortable with this story.

How does this message fall upon our ears, hearts, and spirits this day? Do we identify ourselves with any of the cast of characters? Are we Lazarus; detached from the material world? Do we speak and act, and have hope in an eternal reward. Are we the unnamed, concerned only about the comfort of the moment? We most certainly do not want to spend eternity in torment. Are we the one who proclaims faith in the True God? Our authentic Catholic prayer and worship takes us to a glimpse of Heaven. Have we, by word and action, led others to the Promised Land? We have the Deposit of Faith in Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and the teachings of the Magisterium.

Does, by chance, your given name speak to the greatness of God? My names means, “crowned with laurel”—the bay leaf fashioned into a crown as an emblem of victory or distinction. The victory, I hope, is residing with Lazarus. The distinction is a priest of God forever.

May our reflection of the Word of God prompt us to set aside worldly cares and place our trust in the hands of Yeshua, Jesus—which means, “God who saves.”

Spanish translation

En el pasaje del Evangelio, Lázaro es pobre, hambriento, y enfermo; sus únicos amigos son los perros que le lamen las llagas. El es el pobre más pobre. Sucio, vestido de garras, era el polo opuesto del hombre rico quien comía y vestía bien. Es significativo el hecho de que él en este pasaje no tiene nombre. Lázaro es en Latín el nombre Hebreo Eleazar que significa “mi Dios ayuda”.

Cada uno de nosotros, rico o pobre, satisfecho o hambriento, moriremos. Nuestras almas se irán ya sea a ese lugar de tormentos – el infierno, o a el lugar de comodidad, o temporalmente a un lugar de purificación. Lázaro fue llevado al ceno de Abraham por los ángeles. El nombre de Abraham significa “el padre de muchos”. De hecho, la Iglesia, en su liturgia fúnebre encomienda el alma de los difuntos con éstas palabras: “Cristo que te llamó, te reciba; y los ángeles te conduzcan al ceno de Abraham”. En nuestra muerte somos encomendados a los brazos de la primera persona quien reconoció al Único, Verdadero Dios, Abraham, nuestro padre en la fe.

Jesús les dirige esta enseñanza a los Fariseos quienes creían en la resurrección del cuerpo. Al contrario, los Saduceos no creían en esto. Estos líderes religiosos ponían mucha atención a las palabras de Jesús, pues El incluye a Abraham y a Moisés – quien por cierto su nombre significa en Egipcio “hijo” o posiblemente en Hebreo, “repartidor”. Estos líderes religiosos también eran ricos y vestían fino. Ellos sabían que Jesús se refería a su incredulidad cuando dijo, “Si no escuchan a Moisés y a los profetas, no harán caso, ni aunque resucite un muerto”. Jesús conocía bien a sus oyentes. Claramente se sintieron incómodos con esta historia.

¿Cómo cae este día sobre nuestros oídos, nuestros corazones, y nuestros espíritus este mensaje? ¿Nos identificamos con estos personajes? ¿Somos Lázaro; desprendidos del mundo material? ¿Hablamos, actuamos, y tenemos esperanza en una vida eterna? ¿Somos sin nombre, preocupados únicamente por el bienestar del momento? Claramente no queremos pasar la eternidad en tormento. ¿Somos el que proclama la fe en el Único y Verdadero Dios? Nuestra oración y culto Católico autentico nos lleva a una vislumbre del Cielo. ¿Hemos, nosotros, por palabra o acción, guillado a otros hacia la Tierra Prometida? Tenemos el Depósito de Fe en la Sagrada Escritura, la Sagrada Tradición, y las enseñanzas del Magisterio.

¿Quizás su nombre habla de la grandeza de Dios? Mi nombre significa “coronado de laurel” – una corona hecha de laurel como un símbolo de victoria o distinción. La victoria, espero, sea vivir con Lázaro. La distinción es ser sacerdote de Dios por siempre.

Que nuestra reflexión de la Palabra de Dios nos incite a que hagamos a un lado las preocupaciones mundanas y pongamos nuestra confianza en las manos de Yeshua, Jesús, que significa “Dios salvador”.

Rumor Alert!

No Pontiff has used the old Missal for 40 years: it could happen on 2 December

Corriere della Sera | Luigi Accattoli

CITTÀ DEL VATICANO – A new direction for culture and rites in the Vatican: Yesterday the Pope nominated Giovanni Maria Vian director of L’Osservatore Romano and consecrated as bishop the Milanese priset Gianfranco Ravasi who will have the role of "minister of culture"; in the next few days there is awaited the nomination of the new "master of ceremonies" to replace Archbishop Piero Marini. After the arrival of the new master of ceremonies it is "probable" that the Pope will celebrate a Mass with the old rite, in St. Peter’s, obviously entirely in Latin: it could happen in 2 December, the first Sunday of Advent....

Nothing precise is known about the Pope’s intention to give bishops an "example" of his own choice to use the older rite, byeond the reception of requests of the faithful, as the Motu Proprio he published in July provides. The rumor is circulating both on the lips of those who hope in such a gesture, which says that he would definitively clear "through customs" the old Missal which is still encountering resistance in spite of the recent derestriction; and also among those who fear that the Pope is making the gesture because it would be "another step away from the Council".

"Right now it’s only a rumor", says a monsignor who is neither for or against it, "but everyone is talking about it around here and I believe he is going to do it even if he risks stirring up some polemics, because Catholics who are less than 50 years old have never seen a Pope celebrate Mass with his back to the people and speaking the ‘Eucharistic Prayer’ in a low voice." In the meantime, the ‘court’ which accompanied the Pope in these celebrations was abolished and I really want to see how an old papal Mass would be carried out today!"

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Marini out. Marini in.

“…to sit on my right hand, or on my left, is not mine to give to you, but to them for whom it is prepared.” – Mark 10:40

Thanks to The New Liturgical Movement blog we have this news via the il Giornale blog: Habemus Praefectum cerimoniarum Summi Pontificis.

Here it is being predicted that next week, possibly Monday, Msgr. Guido Marini will be named the new Papal Master of Ceremonies, replacing Archbishop Piero Marini.

Fr. Zuhlsdorf is carrying the same news at his WDTPRS? Blog.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Summorum Pontifcum in action

I was asked today to baptize five little souls according to the Traditional Rite. The baptisms are scheduled for Saturday morning, October 20. Deo gratias.

I was also approached by an elderly gentlemen for a Requiem Mass when his time comes.


Thursday, September 27, 2007

Parish Website

Visit for parish news.


Sometimes you feel like a nut

Oreo has a new pet. This little guy is living in the small storage room off the patio. Oreo just stares at him wondering how he'd taste with a little Miracle Whip between two slices of marble rye.


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Pope Benedict - I will survive

"Pray that I may not flee for fear of the wolves." -- His Holiness Pope Benedicy XVI | April 2005

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Pray for those who persecute

The faithful of the One, True Church of God continue to be persecuted by Satan's minions.

Good people, be strong, courageous and steadfast in your faith. Do not allow victory to those who believe in harming you with false accusations, vile words, and anger.

The Sacred Blood of Jesus covers you.

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Monday, September 24, 2007


Busy bishops must put prayer at top of daily agenda, pope says

By Catholic News Service

CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy (CNS) -- Busy bishops need to put prayer and reflection at the top of their daily agenda, Pope Benedict XVI told a group of recently ordained bishops.

Bishops face many demands and time-consuming tasks and duties, "but the top priority in the life of a successor of the apostles must be reserved for God," he said.

The pope's remarks came during a Sept. 22 audience at the papal summer residence of Castel Gandolfo, south of Rome. He spoke to more than 100 bishops who were attending a meeting in Rome for bishops ordained in the last year.

A deeply spiritual and rich prayer life will help the bishop stay close to and imitate Christ, the pope said. It will also help him "become sensitive and merciful toward everyone" and help him discern others' real needs, he said.

"Prayer teaches love and opens the heart to pastoral charity," enabling the bishop to welcome everyone who turns to him, he said.

Pope Benedict asked the bishops to pay special attention to their priests in their prayers.

Priests will feel encouraged knowing that their bishop is "close to them in prayer, affection, and is always ready to receive, listen to, support and encourage" them, he said.

The pope urged bishops to "be men of prayer," adding that "it is from prayer that a bishop draws light, strength and comfort for his pastoral activity."


Sunday, September 23, 2007

You cannot serve both God and mammon

I spent this past week with my brother priests in Flagstaff, as we do once every three years, for a time of study, prayer, and fraternity. The theme was “Cultivating Unity” among us as the presbyterate of the Phoenix Diocese; our relationships with one another and the Bishop.

About half-way through the week, Bishop Olmsted shared a quick reflection based on the work we had done up until that point. His words of wisdom guided us through the remainder of our time together. His brief comments were about how we priests manifest the Four Marks of the Church. “We believe in One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church” we say in the Creed.

One – By the simple act of gathering together we manifest unity. It is our common beliefs which bring us together.

Holy – We believe that we are continuing the Mission and Ministry of Our Lord Jesus Christ through the Sacraments of the Church.

Catholic – The Church of God has gone “to the ends of the earth”; we are indeed universal.

Apostolic – The faith of the Twelve has been transmitted to us in succession from the first Holy Thursday without interruption.

All of this is testimony to the service of God by His priests and His people. We consciously choose to serve God rather than to “serve” mammon, that is, material possessions. Why we are brought together is a mystery. The answer will only come to light when Jesus returns, and establishes the fullness of His kingdom in the New Heaven, and the New Earth.

I take seriously my vocation as a priest of God. My vocation prompts me to work on the salvation of my own soul, and the souls of those entrusted to me. I desire the ultimate unity between God and me, and, God and us. Our immortal souls are united to our Creator in heaven by our words and works here on earth. This is the reason I take the teachings, guidance, and wisdom of the Church so seriously. The manner in which we pray is the manner in which we believe; the manner in which we believe is the manner in which we pray. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass must take us outside of ourselves and place us before those heavenly gates in the moments we find ourselves at the altar.

Jesus tells us today: “The person who is trustworthy in very small matters is also trustworthy in great ones…” Small matters: a smile, a handshake, a hug – Great matters: living our faith in Jesus Christ. Small matters: our lives of kindness and mercy here on earth – Great matters: living with the God of kindness and mercy forever in Heaven.

May our authentic worship of God this day manifest the Four Marks of the Church--One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic--so that our souls may be perfected in the sight of God.


Saturday, September 22, 2007

Papal Visit to US Set

New York, Sep. 19, 2007 ( - Pope Benedict XVI will visit the US in April 2008, for a major address at UN headquarters in New York.

Although rumors about a papal visit have circulated in the US media for the past week, the Vatican has not yet confirmed the trip. However informed sources have told CWN that plans are quickly taking shape for a spring trip to eastern US.

In April of this year the Pope accepted an invitation from UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon to address the international body. No date has been set for the Pope's appearance there, but the director of the Vatican press office, Father Federico Lombardi, has indicated that the trip would probably take place in 2008. Numerous published reports have now indicated that the Pope will speak to the UN around the middle of next April.

Specific plans for the papal visit are not yet fixed, informed sources stress. However, organizers are considering visits to Washington, DC, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Boston, as well as New York.

In April, Catholic Americans will be celebrating the 200th anniversary of the establishment of dioceses in Boston, New York, and Philadelphia: three of the cities on the list of the Pope's possible stops. (A fourth new American diocese was created in April 1807 in Bardstown, Kentucky: what is now the Archdiocese of Louisville.) Baltimore, another possible stop on the Pope's tour, was raised to the level of a metropolitan archdiocese on the same date in 1808.

In Boston, Cardinal Sean O'Malley has asked the Pope to visit in an effort to heal the wounds of the sex-abuse scandal that reached a crescendo there 5 years ago. The Holy Father has reportedly indicated a desire to visit the Catholic University of America, located in Washington. There are also reports that he would plan a meeting there with President George W. Bush.

Pope Benedict is also reportedly weighing another trip to North America in June 2008, to participate in the International Eucharistic Congress in Quebec. Vatican organizers chose not to try to combine the Pope's appearances into a single trip, sources say, because the Pontiff preferred not to be in the US at the height of the 2008 presidential campaign.

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Prayer Request

Please pray for me as I labor in the vineyard today.
9:00 a.m. Spanish Baptisms
11:00 a.m. English Baptisms
1:30 p.m. Wedding
3:30 p.m. Confessions
5:00 p.m. Mass
Many thanks.

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Latin Mass Sales Double

LONDON, SEPT. 20, 2007 ( Since Benedict XVI's letter on the Latin Mass was released this summer, sales of the missal for the extraordinary rite have doubled, reported one publisher.

The London-based Baronius Press is reprinting an edition of the missal, which includes the full text of the papal letter "Summorum Pontificum."

John Newton, editor of Baronius Press, commented, "It would seem that 'Summorum Pontificum,' has generated a considerable amount of interest and excitement in the traditional Latin liturgy among the Catholic laity."


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

More TLM Around the Globe

The glory of the Traditional Latin Mass being celebrated by cardinals, bishops, and priests from Chile, to the United States and Europe this past weekend.


39 lashes

Rome, Sep. 18, 2007 ( - The worldwide leaders of the Dominican order have joined with a prelate in the Netherlands to criticize a pamphlet distributed by Dutch Dominicans, suggesting that lay Catholics should lead Eucharistic celebrations.

The controversial 38-page pamphlet was circulated by Dutch Dominicans in August to the country's 1,300 Catholic parishes. The tract argued that in the absence of a priest, lay ministers could confect the Eucharist. "Whether they are women or men, homosexual or heterosexual, married or single, makes no difference," the pamphlet said. "What is important is the infectious attitude of faith."

Bishop Hubertus Ernst, the retired head of the Breda diocese, saw the pamphlet-- which had been approved by leaders of the Dominican order in the Netherlands-- as "ambiguous" and "erroneous" in its understanding of priestly ministry.

From Rome, leaders of the Dominican order said that the pamphlet did not offer a realistic response to the shortage of priests. While applauding the concern for that shortage, the Roman leaders said that "this concern must be responded to in a careful theological and pastoral reflection."


St Bernadette, pray for us

In celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Saint Bernadette at Lourdes, a pilgrimage to the Catholic Shrines of France has be planned. The 11-day pilgrimage leaves Los Angeles International Airport on Sunday, March 30.

The itinerary includes:

  • A panoramic view of Paris the first day,
  • Visits to the Shrines of St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Bernadette, St. Catherine Laboure, St. Vincent DePaul, St. John Vianney, St, Margaret Mary Alacoque, and Blessed Frederick Ozanam.
  • Time at the Normandy D-Day landing at Omaha Beach
  • Masses will be celebrated at the Shrine of St. Therese, the Shrine of the Miraculous Medal, Chartes Cathedral, Shrine of the Cure of Ars, and at the Grotto and Basilica at Lourdes
  • Visits to the Louvre, Notre Dame Cathedral, Sacre Coeur Basilica
  • Three days at The Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes.

The cost of the pilgrimage is $2945. + $295. departure taxes includes round trip lights LA-Paris-LA, Paris-Lourdes-Paris, luggage portage, travel by motor coach, overnight hotel stays in Paris, Macon, and Lourdes, entrance fees, breakfasts and dinner.

Please join the Reverends Loren Gonzales, Eldon McKamey, David Ostler, and Hans Rugyt for this special pilgrimage. Email Fr. Gonzales with your name, address and phone number if your would like a brochure.


Monday, September 17, 2007

The Passion, Death, and Resurrection of D.N.J.C. revealed before our eyes at the Traditonal Latin Mass

Meditation on the (Traditional Latin) Mass: by Saint Francis De Sales

When the priest goes to the foot of the Altar
Jesus enters the garden

O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, Who wast pleased voluntarily to endure mortal terror and anguish at the view of Thine approaching passion, give me grace henceforth to consecrate all my sorrows to Thee. O God of my heart! Assist me to support my trials in union with Thine agony, that through the merits of Thy Passion they may become profitable to my soul.

At the Beginning of Mass
Prayer of Jesus in the garden

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, Who wast pleased to be comforted by an angel in Thy dreadful agony, grant through the merits of Thy prayer in the garden that Thy consoling angel may ever assist me in mine.

At the Confiteor
Jesus prostrated in the garden

Lord Jesus Christ, Who in the excess of Thine anguish, wast bathed in a sweat of blood while praying to Thy Father in the Garden of Olives, grant that I may participate in Thy sorrows by sympathy, and unite bitter tears of repentance with Thy tears of blood.

The Priest kisses the Altar
Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss

Lord Jesus Christ, who didst submit to the embrace of Judas, preserve me by Thy grace, from misfortune of ever betraying Thee, and assist me to repay calumny and injustice with cordial charity and active kindness.

The priest goes to the Epistle side
Jesus is dragged to prison

Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst submit to be bound with ropes by the hands of wicked men, break, I beseech Thee, the chains of my sinsand attach the powers of my soul and body closely to Thee bybonds of charity, that they may never escape from the salutaryrestraint of perfect submission to Thy Divine Will.

At the Introit
Jesus receives a blow

Lord Jesus Christ, Who wast conducted as a criminal to the house of Annas, grant that I may never suffer myself to be led into sin by temptations of the evil spirit, or the evil suggestions of my fellow creatures, but that I may be securely guided by the Divine Spirit in the perfect accomplishment of Thy holy ordinances.

At the Kyrie Eleison
Jesus is thrice denied by Peter

Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst submit to be thrice denied in the house of Caiphas, by the head and prince of the apostles preserve me from the danger of evil company, that I may not be exposed to the misfortune of separation from Thee.

At the Dominus Vobiscum
Jesus looks at Peter and touches his heart

Lord Jesus Christ, who by one glance of love didst melt the heart of St. Peter into a fountain of penitential tears, grant by Thy mercy that I may weep for my sins and never by word or deed deny Thee, who art my lord and my God.

At the Epistle
Jesus is conducted to the house of Pilate

Lord Jesus Christ, Who wast pleased to be led before Pilate, and there falsely accused, teach me to avoid the deceits of the wicked, and to profess my faith by the constant practice of good works.

At the Munda Cor Meum
Jesus is led to Herod

Lord Jesus Christ, who didst silently endure to be again falsely accused before Herod, grant me patience under calumny, and silence under outrages.

At the Gospel
Jesus is mocked as a fool and sent back to Pilate

Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst submit to be sent as a fool by Herod to Pilate, who though enemies before, then became friends, strengthen me so powerfully by Thy grace, that instead of apprehending the machinations of the wicked, I may learn to bear their malice as Thou didst and thus render their injustice profitable to my soul.

The Priest uncovers the Chalice
Jesus is stripped of His garments

Lord Jesus Christ, Who wast pleased to be despoiled of Thy garments and most inhumanly scourged for love of me, grant me grace to lay aside the burden of my sins by a good confession, and never to appear before Thee despoiled of the virtues of a Christian.

At the Offertory
Jesus is scourged

Lord Jesus Christ, Who wast pleased to be fastened to the pillar and torn with stripes, grant me grace to patiently endure the scourges of Thy paternal correction and never more to grieve Thy Heart with my sins.

The Priest offers the Chalice
Jesus is crowned with thorns

Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst submit, through love for me, to be crowned with thorns, grant that my heart may be so penetrated with the thorns of repentance in this world, that I may deserve to be hereafter crowned with Thee in glory.

The priest washes his fingers
Pilate washes his hands

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, Who, although declared innocent by Pilate wast subjected to the insults and outrages of the Jews, grant me the grace to lead an irreproachable life and at the same time to maintain a holy indifference to the opinions of men.

At the Orate Fratres
Pilate says to the Jews, “Behold the Man”

Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst submit to the derision of the Jews, and voluntarily wear the badges of their insolent mockery, grant that I may faithfully resist all emotions of vainglory and appear before Thee on the day of judgment clothed in the sacred garment of Thy humility.

At the Preface
Jesus is condemned to death

Lord Jesus Christ, Who, though the God of all sanctity, didst submit through love for me to a most ignominious condemnation, grant me grace to avoid rash judgments and strengthen me to bear with patience, the injustice of men.

At the Momento for the living
Jesus carries His Cross

Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst carry thy heavy Cross for my salvation, grant that I may voluntarily embrace the cross of mortification and carry it daily for Thy love.

At the Communicantes
Veronica wipes with a linen cloth the Face of Jesus

Lord Jesus Christ, Who on Thy way to Calvary, didst say to the holy women that wept for the love of Thee: "Weep not for me but for yourselves;” give me the grace to weep for my sins with tears of holy contrition and love that will render me agreeable to Thy Divine Majesty.

Consecration of the Bread and Wine
Jesus is nailed to the Cross

Lord Jesus Christ, Who wast nailed to the Cross for my redemption, attaching to it through Thy Sacred Flesh, my sins, and the eternal punishment due to them, grant me Thy saving fear, that resolutely observing Thy Holy precepts, I may ever be attached to the Cross with Thee.

At the Elevation of the Host
The Cross of Jesus is elevated between Heaven and earth.

Lord Jesus Christ, Who wast pleased to be elevated on the Cross and exalted above the earth for the love of me, detach my heart, I beseech Thee, from all terrestrial affections and elevate my understanding to the consideration of Heavenly things.

At the Elevation of the Chalice
The Blood of Jesus flows from His wounds.

Lord Jesus Christ, Thy sacred wounds are the inexhaustible source of all grace; grant then, that Thy Precious Blood may purify my soul from all evil thoughts and prove a salutary remedy for all my spiritual miseries.

At the Momento for the dead
Jesus prays for all men

Lord Jesus Christ, who didst pray on the Cross for all men, even for Thine executioners, grant me the spirit of meekness and patience, that according to Thy precepts and example I may love my enemies and cordially return good for evil.

At the Nobis Quoque Peccatoribus
The conversion of the thief (St. Dismas)

Lord Jesus Christ, who didst promise the joys of Heaven to the penitent thief, look on me with eyes of compassion and say to my soul at the last moment of my life: “This day shalt thou be with Me in Paradise.”

At the Pater Noster
The seven words of Christ

Lord Jesus Christ, Who from the cross didst recommend Thy Blessed Mother to the beloved disciple, and the disciple to Thy Mother, receive me, I beseech Thee, under Thy protection, and grant that amidst the snares and perils of this world I may never lose the treasure of thy friendship.

At the division of the Host
Jesus expires of the Cross

Lord Jesus Christ, Who before expiring on the Cross didst commend Thy Soul to Thy Father, grant that I may die spiritually with Thee now, and so confide my eternal destiny with confidence to Thy hands at the hour of my death.

The Priest puts a particle of the Host into the Chalice
The Soul of Jesus descends into limbo

Lord Jesus Christ, who after overthrowing the empire of Satan didst descend into limbo to liberate the souls imprisoned there ; apply, I beseech Thee, the merits of Thy Blood and Passion to the suffering souls in Purgatory, that, being absolved from their sins, they may be received into Thy bosom, and enjoy eternal peace.

At the Agnus Dei
The conversion of sinners

Lord Jesus Christ, the contemplation of Thy torments has excited repentance in many hearts; grant me, through the efficacy of Thy painful sufferings and ignominious death, perfect contrition for my past offenses, and the grace to avoid all willful sin.

At the Communion
Jesus is buried

Lord Jesus Christ, Who wast pleased to be buried in a new monument, give me a new heart, so that being buried with Thee, I may attain to the glory of Thy resurrection.

At the Ablution
Jesus is embalmed

Lord Jesus Christ, who wast pleased to be embalmed and wrapped in a clean linen cloth by Joseph and Nicodemus, give me the grace to receive most worthily, Thy Precious Body and Blood in the Holy Sacrament of the Altar, with a heart embalmed with the precious ointment of Thy virtues.

After the Communion
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst triumphantly issue from the fast sealed monument, grant that, rising from the tomb of my sins, I may walk in newness of life so that when Thou shalt appear in glory I may merit also to appear with Thee.

At the Dominus Vobiscum
Jesus appears to His disciples

Lord Jesus Christ, who didst gladden the hearts of Thy Blessed Mother and Thine apostles by manifesting Thyself to them after Thy Resurrection, grant that, since I cannot be so happy as to behold Thee in this mortal life, I may hereafter enjoy the unclouded vision of Thy glory.

At the Post Communion
Jesus converses for forty days with His disciples

Lord Jesus Christ, Who after Thy Resurrection deign to converse for forty days with Thy disciples, instructing them in the mysteries of our faith, increase, I beseech Thee, my knowledge of those Divine Truths, and confirm my belief in them.

The last Dominus Vobiscum
Jesus ascends to Heaven

Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst ascend gloriously into Heaven in the presence of Thy disciples, grant me so to love Thee that I may desire none but eternal joys, and aspire to the possession of Thee as the first and best of all blessings.

At the Priest’s blessing
The descent of the Holy Ghost

Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst send the Holy Ghost on Thine apostles, while engaged in unanimous and persevering prayer, purify my soul, I beseech Thee, that the Paraclete, finding therein a dwelling well pleasing to Him, may adorn it with His gifts andreplenish it with His consolations



Headed north to Flagstaff, AZ today for a week with my confreres at our Diocesan Convocation. Pray for us that we may have a fruitful time of study, spiritual renewal, fraternity, and relaxation.


Sunday, September 16, 2007

Introibo ad altare Dei

Some photos of the usus antiquor celebrated around the US and UK this weekend.

1. High Mass at the Oratory Church of The Immaculate Heart of Mary, Brompton Road, London, Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 14 September 2007

2. High Mass & Te Deum at Our Lady of the Rosary, Blackfen, London, England, Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 14 September 2007

3. Assumption Grotto, Detroit, MI, Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 14 September 2007, Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, the Rev. Eduard Perrone, Celebrant

4. The Diocese of Raleigh, NC, Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, the Most Rev. Michael Burbridge, Homilist

5. The Kenrick School of Theology Chapel of Kenrick-Glennon Seminary, Archdiocese of Saint Louis, MO, 14 September 2007, Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

6. The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Diocese of Kansas City-Saint Joseph, 15 September 2007, Feast of the Seven Sorrows of Mary, the Most Rev. Robert Finn, Celebrant
Rather glorious, wouldn't you say?

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Saturday, September 15, 2007

Wardrobe Malfunction

The only hitch last night: my makeshift maniple kept sliding off may arm. Oh, and a few times I made up new chant modes on the spot!





Brother priests:

The times they are a changin'.



"Perhaps Piero,
by the grace of God
after your repentance and conversion,
we will meet again There."


Deo Gratias

Thanking those in attendance at the reception which followed the Missa Cantata Friday evening.

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Friday, September 14, 2007

Per signum Crucis de inimicis nostris libera nos Deus noster

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Wake Up and Smell the Incense



Vere dignum et justum est



To my enemies:

Today's Gospel, Luke 6:27-38

Jesus said to his disciples:
“To you who hear I say, love your enemies,
do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you,
pray for those who mistreat you.
To the person who strikes you on one cheek,
offer the other one as well,
and from the person who takes your cloak,
do not withhold even your tunic.
Give to everyone who asks of you,
and from the one who takes what is yours do not demand it back.
Do to others as you would have them do to you.
For if you love those who love you,
what credit is that to you?
Even sinners love those who love them.
And if you do good to those who do good to you,
what credit is that to you?
Even sinners do the same.
If you lend money to those from whom you expect repayment,
what credit is that to you?
Even sinners lend to sinners,
and get back the same amount.
But rather, love your enemies and do good to them,
and lend expecting nothing back;
then your reward will be great
and you will be children of the Most High,
for he himself is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked.
Be merciful, just as also your Father is merciful.

“Stop judging and you will not be judged.
Stop condemning and you will not be condemned.
Forgive and you will be forgiven.
Give and gifts will be given to you;
a good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing,
will be poured into your lap.
For the measure with which you measure
will in return be measured out to you.”

I pray for you at every Mass at the Momento. May you find peace and joy.


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Missa Cantata in France | VIII

Missa Cantata in France | VII

Missa Cantata in France | VI

Missa Cantata in France | V

Missa Cantata in France | IV

Missa Cantata in France | III

Missa Cantata in France | II

Missa Cantata in France | I

The Catholic Restoration Continues

As More Resources Are Created in English


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Vision 091107

My co-workers and I gather for a half-hour of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament before each monthly staff meeting. This morning we prayed the Holy Rosary and the Divine Praises. I offered Benediction, and we ended by singing the Salve Regina.

During meditation I envisioned something similar to the image above. Is it a vase or two faces? This morning the face on the left became the profile of Jesus while the image on the left morphed into my profile. AWESOME!

Thank you Jesus.


Six Years Hence

September Eleventh

Monday, September 10, 2007

Missal and Veil Readied

The telephones were abuzz today with the faithful seeking more info about Friday evening's Missa Cantata in honor of Summorum Pontificum. This proves that there are Catholics in Phoenix's Westside who desire the Traditional Mass.

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Sunday, September 09, 2007

Follow Him in Discipleship

These two statements by Jesus, “Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple” and “anyone of you who does not renounce all his possessions

cannot be my disciple,” have prompted many Christians over the centuries opportunities to examine our faith lives. The Lord allows us to examine our crosses and to define the necessity of the objects which surround us. Neither our crosses nor our possessions are enumerated in detail in Sacred Scripture. This makes the Word of God transcend space and time, eras and cultures. This makes the Word of God “alive” throughout salvation history. Our crosses today may not be the crosses of tomorrow.

Just like Jesus, we pick up our crosses, we suffer our own passions and death, yet we also have moments of resurrection. This is how we participate in—to a point—the Paschal Mystery, knowing that the fullness of that mystery will only occur at God’s time. Last week I mentioned that the three main objects in a Catholic church remind us of this great mystery: Jesus’ life in the ambo, His death in the Cross, His resurrection in the altar. During the Mass when we hear Sacred Scripture about man’s response to the intervention of God, we should place ourselves in the midst of those encounters. When we kneel at the Cross of our salvation we should do the same. And when heaven and earth meet at this altar we encounter our God over and over again.

In the Book of Revelations of St. John we read about that heavenly scenario with the multitude of believers praising God with “hosannas” and “amens”—praise and acknowledgment of His will. Our Mass today takes us to the throne of the Lamb of God, the Agnus Dei, which was slain for our transgressions. Our sin happens when we ignore our crosses, when we allow our possessions to own us. His blood covers those sins when we ask for pardon.

When Jesus says: “If anyone comes to me without hating … even his own life, he cannot be my disciple,” it calls the Christian to prioritize the things of heaven and earth. What is number one in our lives? There is a beautiful phrase in Spanish which I have heard often in this community—“Primero Dios”—God First. The people who say this indeed live what Jesus says in today’s gospel. Their towers have been constructed, and peace has been made by understanding and following the Will of the Lord in their lives … with crosses, and without possessions.

The ego is the thing which gets in the way of knowing one’s cross, of knowing what is unnecessary in our lives. The great “I,” “Me,” “We,” and “Us” stand between the human individual, the human community, and God. “What about my feelings?” and “Where is the community in all this?” are asked by those who have little understanding of the Will of God in their lives. “Me” and the “community” are the false gods of these people. They follow the cult of personality rather than the cult of the One, True God. They applaud human achievement rather than glorifying God. In 2000, then Cardinal Ratzinger in his book The Spirit of the Liturgy said: “Wherever applause breaks out in the liturgy because of some human achievement, it is a sure sign that the essence of liturgy has totally disappeared and been replaced by a kind of religious entertainment.” I say, entertainment surrounds itself with material possessions, entertainment knows no Cross. If you want entertainment go to a movie. If you want God come to Mass.

If you don’t have one on you now, when you arrive home later today, find a crucifix, place it in your pocket or around your neck and be reminded of what Jesus has done for you. Identify your pain and your poverty with that Sacred Body and recommit yourself to following Him in discipleship.
