Sunday, August 06, 2006

July 31, 2006 Vision

Last Monday during Holy Hour with my monthly fraternal group I had a vision which most certainly is akin to today's liturgical feast.

Our Lord Jesus Christ was standing before His throne of gleaming white marble with its cushion of deep red. His right hand was held in blessing with His left at his breast. The nail marks of crimson were clearly visible on His hands and the one exposed foot. He was dressed in a brilliant white ample tunic tied at the waist with a knotted rope cincture. I stood before him in my black cassock. Behind me knelt thousands of people dressed in every color imaginable.

After considerable time in discernment, the meaning of this vision was revealed to me. The thousands behind me are the souls of those I have ministered during the course of my priesthood. We were all facing the Lord as He imparted His blessing upon us.

NOTE: I agree with His Holiness Benedict XVI who says that we should literally turn toward the Lord. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass should be celebrated ad orientem.


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